Explore the Extended Definitions, OML Guides, Block Library, API Guide and Glossary.
Provides information about developing and simulating models through the Twin Activate Application Program Interface.
Learn about the APIs available for manipulating blocks through the Block Diagram Editor.
Discover new features and enhancements.
New to Twin Activate? Learn the basics here.
Start using Twin Activate with our interactive tutorials.
Learn about the features and functionality available in Twin Activate.
PDF file with in-depth information on key topics in the User's Guide.
OpenMatrix is a mathematical scripting language.
The Reference Guide contains documentation for all functions supported in the OpenMatrix language.
Describes all of the blocks in the installed Twin Activate library.
Creates a new port for a given block.
Returns the background color of a given port.
Returns the frame color of a given port.
Returns the height of a given port.
Returns the input/output type of a given port.
Returns the label of a given port.
Returns the number of a given port.
Returns the position of a given port.
Returns the shape of a given port.
Returns a list of the ports on a given block.
Returns the type of a given port.
Returns the width of a given port.
Returns the x position of a given port.
Returns the y position of a given port.
Returns a value showing whether the port label is visible or not.
Returns a value that shows whether or not a portType is a valid port variable type.
Sets the background color of a port.
Sets the frame color of a port.
Sets the input output type of a port. Only works for newly created blocks.
Sets the label of a port label.
Sets the visibility of a port label.
Sets the shape of a port. Only works for newly created blocks.
Sets the position of a port label. For position there are three options that can be used: hwdc::Position, a string of which side to place the port and using doubles for the x and y position.
Sets the shape of a port.
Sets the width and height of a port.
Sets the type of a port. Only works for newly created block.
Learn about the APIs available for obtaining information from Activate models, for example information about variables and environments.
Learn about the APIs available for simulating models.
Key terms associated with the software.
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