Explore the Extended Definitions, OML Guides, Block Library, API Guide and Glossary.
Provides information about developing and simulating models through the Twin Activate Application Program Interface.
Learn about the APIs available for manipulating blocks through the Block Diagram Editor.
Discover new features and enhancements.
New to Twin Activate? Learn the basics here.
Start using Twin Activate with our interactive tutorials.
Learn about the features and functionality available in Twin Activate.
PDF file with in-depth information on key topics in the User's Guide.
OpenMatrix is a mathematical scripting language.
The Reference Guide contains documentation for all functions supported in the OpenMatrix language.
Describes all of the blocks in the installed Twin Activate library.
Get the handle of all the scopes in a certain block.
Takes model and returns the absolute error tolerance.
Takes model and returns algebraic solver being used.
Takes model and returns the value stored in the final time.
Takes model and returns the initial step size.
Takes model and returns the value stored in the initial time.
Takes model and returns the Jacobian method being used.
Takes model and returns the maximum number of steps.
Takes model and returns the maximum step size.
Takes model and returns the minimum step size.
Takes model and returns the number of times it consecutively crosses zero.
Takes model and returns the relative error tolerance.
Takes model and returns the solver being used.
Takes model and returns the time tolerance.
Takes model and returns the time tolerance in relation to zero crossing.
Takes model and returns the zero crossing threshold.
Returns a value representing if a simulation has animations enabled.
Takes model and errorTolerance and sets the absolute error tolerance value.
Takes model and solver and sets the algebraic solver of the model.
Sets the simulation parameters of a diagram to the default values.
Takes model and time and sets the final time value.
Takes model and initialSize and sets initial step size.
Takes model and time and sets the initial time value.
Takes model and method and sets the Jacobian method to be used.
Takes model and numSteps and sets the maximum number of steps.
Takes model and maxSize and sets maximum step size.
Takes model and minSize and sets the minimum step size property.
Takes model and num and sets the number of consecutive zero crossing. Used to help see if functions get stuck on zero.
Takes model and scale and sets the real time scale value.
Takes model and errorTolerance and sets the relative error tolerance value.
Sets the simulation to have animation enabled.
Sets a flag for profiling of the simulation. When true this function generates a CSV file in the model's temporary directory when the simulation is run. The file contains the simulation's flag information for all the simulation blocks. Can use bdeGetModelTempDir to find the temporary directory where the information is stored.
Sets the simulation to have results enabled.
Sets the filename and path for the results of a simulation.
Sets a simulations results to be shown in the ui.
Sets the simulation results to be stored in the model's temporary directory.
Takes model and solver and sets solver to be used.
Takes model and timeTolerance and sets the time tolerance property.
Takes model and timeTolerance and sets the time tolerance of zero crossing.
Takes model and threshold and sets the zero crossing threshold property. When zero crossing is detected on a function e.g. F, F changes the sign and becomes almost zero. When the absolute value becomes greater than the threshold, the zero-crossing search resumes. This is used to handle functions that get stuck on zero.
Learn about the APIs available for obtaining information from Activate models, for example information about variables and environments.
Learn about the APIs available for simulating models.
Key terms associated with the software.
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