- bdeAddBlockButtonParameter
Adds buttonParameterName with the value, buttonValue, to the tab sectionName within block. Works with inline blocks. Super blocks are inlined blocks.
- bdeAddBlockParameter
Adds a parameter to a given block.
- bdeAddBlockParameterValidValues
Adds validValues for a parameter within block.
- bdeAddBlockSubParameter
Adds a sub parameter to a parameter in a given block. Works only with parameters that have a widget of the type table or combobox. Works only with inline blocks. Super blocks are inlined blocks.
- bdeAddBlockTextParameter
Adds a text parameter for block. Works only with inline blocks. Super blocks are inlined blocks.
- bdeApplyBlockParametersEditor
Applies the changes that have been made through the editor apis.
- bdeClearParameters
Clears the parameters for a given block. Will only clear the parameters for inline blocks, hence it works with super blocks.
- bdeCreateTabParameters
Creates and adds a tab parameter for a block.
- bdeDeleteBlockParametersDialog
Deletes the dialog box.
- bdeDisableBlockParameter
Disables a parameter within block. Works with inline blocks. Super blocks are inlined blocks.
- bdeEnableBlockParameter
Enables a parameter within block. Works with inline blocks. Super blocks are inlined blocks.
- bdeExecuteBlockParameterButtonCallback
Executes the callback script for a buttonParameter within block. Only works with parameters of the type button. Works with inline blocks. Super blocks are inlined blocks.
- bdeGetBlockFromBlockParametersDialog
Returns the block that the dialog is for.
- bdeGetBlockFromBlockParametersEditor
Returns the block that the editor is being used for.
- bdeGetBlockParameter
Returns a parameter, parameterName, of a given block.
- bdeGetBlockParameterButtonCallback
Returns the callback of buttonParameter in a given block. This is ran while the button is shown in the user interface.
- bdeGetBlockParameterButtonDescription
Returns the value of buttonParameter in a given block.
- bdeGetBlockParameterButtonImage
Returns the image of a button parameter in a given block.
- bdeGetBlockParameterButtonTooltip
Returns the tooltip of buttonParameter in a given block.
- bdeGetBlockParameterButtonValue
Returns the value of a buttonParameter in a given block.
- bdeGetBlockParameterCallback
Returns a callback script of a parameter in a given block.
- bdeGetBlockParameterColumnDefaultValue
Returns the value of the subparameter column in a given block. This only works with parameters of the type table.
- bdeGetBlockParameterDescription
Returns a short description of a parameter in a given block.
- bdeGetBlockParameterDialogButton
Returns the button of a given dialog box.
- bdeGetBlockParameterDialogFilePath
Returns the filepath of a given dialog box.
- bdeGetBlockParameterDimension
Returns the dimensions of a parameter in a given block. Works with parameters of the type matrix.
- bdeGetBlockParameterEditorButtonImage
Returns the button image of a parameter in a given block that has a editor or uneditor widget.
- bdeGetBlockParameterEditorButtonText
Returns the button text of a parameter in a given block that has a editor or uneditor widget.
- bdeGetBlockParameterEnable
Returns whether or not a parameter of a given block is enabled.
- bdeGetBlockParameterNames
Returns the names of the parameters within a given block.
- bdeGetBlockParameterObjects
Returns the objects within the parameters section of a given block.
- bdeGetBlockParameterRowSize
Returns the row size of a parameter in a given block.
- bdeGetBlockParameterRowSizeValue
Returns the row size of a parameter in a given block.
- bdeGetBlockParametersEditor
Returns a parameters editor from the given dialog.
- bdeGetBlockParametersEditorCurrentFieldValue
Returns the value of a subparameter within a parameter.
- bdeGetBlockParametersPostCallback
Returns the script to call for a given block after clicking ok on a parameters dialog.
- bdeGetBlockParametersPreCallback
Returns the script to call for a given block before showing the parameters dialog.
- bdeGetBlockParametersValues
Gets the values of the parameters in block.
- bdeGetBlockParameterTab
Returns the section that the parameter is in within block.
- bdeGetBlockParameterTabs
Returns a list of the different section tabs of parameters within the block.
- bdeGetBlockParameterTexts
Returns text parameters of a given block.
- bdeGetBlockParameterTextTooltip
Returns the tooltip of a given text parameter, parameterName, within block.
- bdeGetBlockParameterTextValue
Returns text value of a given text parameter, parameterName, within block.
- bdeGetBlockParameterTooltip
Returns a description of a parameter in a given block that is useful for understanding the parameters.
- bdeGetBlockParameterType
Returns the type of a parameter in a given block.
- bdeGetBlockParameterUnit
Returns the unit of a parameter in a given block.
- bdeGetBlockParameterValidValues
Returns a list of the valid values you can use for a specific parameter within block.
- bdeGetBlockParameterVisibility
Returns whether or not a parameter of a given block is visible.
- bdeGetBlockParameterWidget
Returns the type of widget that is used to enter the parameter within the user interface.
- bdeGetBlockSubParameterNames
Returns the names of the sub parameters within a given block.
- bdeHadBlockParametersEditorModifiedParameters
Returns whether or not an editor has modified any of its parameters.
- bdeHideBlockParameter
Sets the visibility of parameter within block to be not visible. Works with inline blocks. Super blocks are inlined blocks.
- bdeRemoveBlockParameter
Removes a parameter from a given block.
- bdeSaveBlockParametersTabAsImage
Saves a parameters tab of the dialog box of a given block. Must be saved as .png, .jpg, or .jpeg. Block must be inline. This means the block is not included in the library system.
- bdeSetBlockParameterButtonCallback
Sets the callback parameter for the button, buttonName, within block. The callback is ran while the button is shown. Works with inline blocks. Super blocks are inlined blocks.
- bdeSetBlockParameterButtonDescription
Sets a description for a button, buttonParameterName, within block. Works with inline blocks. Super blocks are inlined blocks.
- bdeSetBlockParameterButtonEnable
Sets the enabled flag for the button, buttonName, within block. Works with inline blocks. Super blocks are inlined blocks.
- bdeSetBlockParameterButtonImage
Sets the buttonImage for a parameter within block. Works only with parameters with the widget editor or uneditor. Works only with inline blocks. Super blocks are inlined blocks.
- bdeSetBlockParameterButtonTooltip
Sets a shortDescription for a buttonParameter within block. Only works with parameters with the widget type button. Works with inline blocks. Super blocks are inlined blocks.
- bdeSetBlockParameterButtonValue
Sets a buttonValue for a button, buttonParameterName, within block. Works with inline blocks. Super blocks are inlined blocks.
- bdeSetBlockParameterCallback
Sets the callback script for parameter in a given block. Works with inline blocks. Super blocks are inlined blocks.
- bdeSetBlockParameterColumnDefaultValue
Sets a buttonValue for a button, buttonParameterName, within block. Works with inline blocks. Super blocks are inlined blocks.
- bdeSetBlockParameterDescription
Sets a short description for a parameter within block. Works with inline blocks. Super blocks are inlined blocks.
- bdeSetBlockParameterDimension
Sets the dimension for a parameter within block. Used for parameters with the type of matrix. Works with inline blocks. Super blocks are inlined blocks.
- bdeSetBlockParameterEditorButtonImage
Sets the buttonImage for a parameter within block. Works only with parameters with the widget editor or uneditor. Works only with inline blocks. Super blocks are inlined blocks.
- bdeSetBlockParameterEditorButtonText
Sets the buttonText for a parameter within block. Works only with parameters with the widget editor or uneditor. Works only with inline blocks. Super blocks are inlined blocks.
- bdeSetBlockParameterEnable
Sets a parameter within block to be enabled based on the variable enable. Enable can be a boolean or a string. Only works on inlined blocks. Super blocks are inline blocks.
- bdeSetBlockParameterRowSize
Sets the rowSize for a parameter within block. Works only with parameters that have the widget type table. Works with inline blocks. Super blocks are inlined blocks.
- bdeSetBlockParametersEditorCurrentFieldValue
Sets the value for a subparameter using an editor. The variable value can be different types depending on what the parameter that is being set is.
- bdeSetBlockParametersPostCallback
Sets the script for post callback for a block, which will happen after pressing ok on the dialog box. Works with inline blocks. Super blocks are inlined blocks.
- bdeSetBlockParametersPreCallback
Sets the script for pre callback for a block, which will happen before showing the parameters dialog box. Works with inline blocks. Super blocks are inlined blocks.
- bdeSetBlockParameterTextTooltip
Sets a description for a textParameter within block. Works with inline blocks. Super blocks are inlined blocks.
- bdeSetBlockParameterTextValue
Sets the paramValue for a textParameter in block. Works only with inline blocks. Super blocks are inlined blocks.
- bdeSetBlockParameterTooltip
Sets a description for a parameter within block. This should contain useful information on how to use the block's parameter's valid options. Works with inline blocks. Super blocks are inlined blocks.
- bdeSetBlockParameterType
Sets the paramType for a parameter within block. Works with inline blocks. Super blocks are inlined blocks.
- bdeSetBlockParameterUnit
Sets a unit for a parameter within block.
- bdeSetBlockParameterValidValues
Sets the validValues for a parameter within block. Works for parameters with widgets of the type listbox, checkbox, comboboxelement, radiobuttonelement.
- bdeSetBlockParameterValue
Sets the value for a parameter using an editor from block. The variable value can be different types depending on what the parameter that is being set is.
- bdeSetBlockParameterVisibility
Sets the visibility of parameter within block. Works with inline blocks. Super blocks are inlined blocks.
- bdeSetBlockParameterWidget
Sets the type of widget for a parameter within block. Works with inlined blocks. All super blocks are inline blocks.
- bdeSetWidgetEnabledCurrentValue
Sets the flag for the enabled flag of a parameter.
- bdeSetWidgetVisibilityCurrentValue
Sets the flag for the visible flag of a parameter.
- bdeShowBlockParameter
Sets the visibility of parameter within block to be visible. Works with inline blocks. Super blocks are inlined blocks.