Sets the frame color of a port.
bdeSetPortFrameColor(port, color)
bdeSetPortFrameColor(port, red, green, blue, alpha)
- port
- The port that will have it's frame color set.
- color
- Name of the color to set the port frame color to. Can also use color of type hwt::Color.
- red
- Value to set the port red frame color value to. Values can range from 0-255.
- green
- Value to set the port green frame color value to. Values can range from 0-255.
- blue
- Value to set the port blue frame color value to. Values can range from 0-255.
- alpha
- Transparency to set the port frame color to. Values can range from 0-255.
Set the frame color of a port to red:
diagram = bdeGetCurrentDiagram();
block = bdeGetSelectedBlock(diagram);
portList = bdeGetPortsOnBlock(block);
portX = portList{[1, 1]};
bdeSetPortFrameColor(portX, 255, 0, 0, 255);
Set the frame color of a port to red:
diagram = bdeGetCurrentDiagram();
block = bdeGetSelectedBlock(diagram);
portList = bdeGetPortsOnBlock(block);
portX = portList{[1, 1]};
bdeSetPortFrameColor(portX, 'red');