SS-V: 3020 Cylinder with Prescribed Heat Flux

Test No. VT03 For a cylinder loaded with a prescribed heat flux, find the temperature at the boundary between where flux is applied and the rest of the side surface.


Figure 1.

A cylinder is loaded with a prescribed heat flux along a strip on side surface (see Figure 1). The bottom is maintained at zero temperature and the top and the rest of side surface are insulated. You must find the temperature at the boundary between the strip and the rest of the side surface (point A in Figure 1).

The cylinder is 50 mm in height with a 200 mm diameter. The heat flux strip is 20 mm in width.

The material properties are:
Thermal Conductivity
52 W/(m-K)
Heat Flux Value
5.e+5 W/(m2)


The following table shows the temperature at point A.
Reference SimSolid % Difference
Temperature at Point A [deg-C] 213.6 210.7 -1.36%
Figure 2.

1 NAFEMS, BMTTA (S), No. 15 (i).