This item tracks the voltage and signal lines in the circuit, calculates the voltage value of each net, and checks whether all Transistor connected to the net is within the allowable voltage range.
- Component: Select Transistor component group to be checked.
- Pin: Assign pin information of transistor. User can assign pin number using Pin Number or Pin Property which contain pin number information.
- Power Net: Select power net group to which Transistor components are connected.
- Ground Net: Select ground net group to which Transistor components are connected.
- Voh: Set the output high voltage (Voh) of driver pin. User can set this by entering the value directly or select the property name which contain voh value.
- Vol: Set the output low voltage (Vol) of driver pin. User can set this by entering the value directly or select the property name which contain vol value.
- Vcb Check: Set the allowable Vcb voltage of this component. User can set this by entering the allowable value directly or select the property name which contain allowable Vcb value. User can also assign tolerance of this check.
- Vce Check: Set the allowable Vce voltage of this component. User can set this by entering the allowable value directly or select the property name which contain allowable Vce value. User can also assign tolerance of this check.
- Veb Check: Set the allowable Veb voltage of this component. User can set this by entering the allowable value directly or select the property name which contain allowable Veb value. User can also assign tolerance of this check.
Stress Test Option
Set whether passive components are considered short or open when navigating signals and power lines.