Connectors link points, edges, or faces to each other, and are shown as red lines radiating from a central point. They are generally used to connect two parts together, or to apply a load or support at a distance.

Creating Connectors
The Connectors tool automatically creates a point that all of the connectors are connected to. If the connector is deleted, this point will remain in the model.
On the Structure ribbon, select the Connectors
Tip: To find and open a tool, press Ctrl+F. For more information, see Find and Search for Tools.
- Select two points, edges, or faces to connect.
- Optional: Continue selecting features to create additional connector lines.
- Choose whether the connector should be Rigid or Flexible in the microdialog.
- Optional: Use the Move tool on the microdialog to reposition the connection point.
- Left-click on empty space to complete the connector and start a new one.
- Right-click and mouse through the check mark to exit, or double-right-click.
- Use the Auto Center property in the Property Editor to automatically calculate the center of the surface for connectors.
- Connector lines are only shown when specifically created using the Connectors tool.
Selecting Connectors
Click a connector once to select it, and double-click to edit it.
Click on a connector in the modeling views to select it. Selected connectors turn orange and the connected locations turn red. All of the connector lines from a particular force, torque, or support are considered a single connector.

Double-click on a connector to enter editing mode. When in editing mode, you can add or remove connections to additional geometry features. You can also click to select only those lines that connect the force, torque, or support to a particular geometry feature. Right-click or press Esc to exit editing mode.

Invalid Connectors
Connectors are only valid if they connect at least three non-collinear points or two non-collinear edges.
(Collinear points lie on the same line. Non-collinear points do not.) For example: