Mesh Controls

Use mesh controls to assign an element size to parts or faces.

The element size dictates the quality of your analysis or optimization results. In general, the smaller the element size, the more accurate the result.

Use the Mesh Control tool to define a default global element size. You can also use it to create mesh groups and assign an element size to the group. When running a topography optimization, only one mesh control group can be used per design space.

Define a Global Element Size

Use mesh controls to define a default global element size.

  1. Open the Mesh Control tool:
    1. On the Structures ribbon, next to Setup, select . A dropdown menu appears.

      Tip: To find and open a tool, press Ctrl+F. For more information, see Find and Search for Tools.
    2. Select the Mesh Control tool.
      Tip: To find and open a tool, press Ctrl+F. For more information, see Find and Search for Tools.
  2. Enter an Element Size.
    Note: To improve overall performance, when a CAD file is imported the mesh sizes are not calculated and are shown as Auto. Click the Calculate button to display the Element Size.

Create a Mesh Group

Use mesh controls to create a mesh group and assign an element size.

  1. Open the Mesh Control tool:
    1. On the Structures ribbon, next to Setup, select . A dropdown menu appears.

      Tip: To find and open a tool, press Ctrl+F. For more information, see Find and Search for Tools.
    2. Select the Mesh Control tool.
  2. Select a face on a part.
    Tip: Hold down Ctrl to select multiple faces, or use the Model Browser to select an entire part.
  3. Enter an Element Size.
  4. Press Enter or click Create to create the mesh group.

Mesh Control Legend

Select and edit mesh control groups.

The mesh control legend is shown whenever the Mesh Control tool is active.

  • Click a row in the legend to make it active and editable.
  • Hover over a row in the legend and click Isolate to show only the entities included in the mesh group. Hover and click All to show all entities.

Keyboard Shortcuts

To Do this
Add/remove face from selection Hold down the Ctrl key and click an unselected face.
Exit the tool Right-click and mouse through the check mark to exit, or double-right-click.