Block Format Keyword Time history output request for rigid bodies.


(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10)
var_ID1 var_ID2 var_ID3 var_ID4 var_ID5 var_ID6 var_ID7 var_ID8 var_ID9 var_ID10
Obj_ID1 Obj_ID2 Obj_ID3 Obj_ID4 Obj_ID5 Obj_ID6 Obj_ID7 Obj_ID8 Obj_ID9 Obj_ID10


Field Contents SI Unit Example
thgroup_ID TH group identifier

(Integer, maximum 10 digits)

thgroup_name TH group name

(Character, maximum 100 characters)

var_ID1, ...n Variables saved for TH. See Output for Rigid Body, Output Variable Groups for Rigid Bodies and Output Calculated by HyperGraph when Reading the T01 File.

(Character, maximum 8 characters)

Obj_ID1, ...n Rigid Body Identifier(s) to be saved


Output for Rigid Body

  • FX: force in direction X
  • FY: force in direction Y
  • FZ: force in direction Z
  • MX: moment in direction X
  • MY: moment in direction Y
  • MZ: moment in direction Z
  • RX: rotation in direction X
  • RY: rotation in direction Y
  • RZ: rotation in direction Z
Only for interface TYPE14 and TYPE15 (Madymo hyper-ellipsoidal surface) 6
  • FXI: force in direction X
  • FYI: force in direction Y
  • FZI: force in direction Z
  • MYI: moment in direction Y
  • MZI: moment in direction Z
  • MXI: moment in direction X

Output Variable Groups for Rigid Bodies

  • DEF: Output FX, FY, FZ, MX, MY, MZ, RX, RY, RZ
  • F: Output FX, FY, FZ
  • M: Output MX, MY, MZ
  • R: Output RX, RY, RZ
  • FI: Output FXI, FYI, FZI
  • MI: Output MXI, MYI, MZI

Output Calculated by HyperGraph when Reading the T01 File

  • TF: magnitude of force - computed in HG as:
    F X 2 + F Y 2 + F Z 2
  • TM: magnitude of moment - computed in HG as:
    M X 2 + M Y 2 + M Z 2
  • R: magnitude of rotation - computed in HG as:
    R X 2 + R Y 2 + R Z 2
  • FI: magnitude of force - computed in HG as:
    F X I 2 + F Y I 2 + F Z I 2
  • MI: magnitude of moment - computed in HG as:
    M X I 2 + M Y I 2 + M Z I 2
Warning: Additional variables are computed correctly, only if requested variables for computation are saved in TH. For instance, TF is computed correctly, only if FX, FY, or FZ are requested to be saved by you.


  1. Specific TH output variables can be requested or output variable groups can be requested to output all the output variables listed for that group.
  2. The time history output frequency must be entered in the Engine file using /TFILE for time history file output or /ABF for Altair Binary Format output.
  3. The time history file (*T01, *.thy) stores impulses and rotational impulses. When reading the time history file, HyperGraph automatically takes the derivative of the impulses to calculate the forces and moments. If using the ASCII time history results, the forces and moments will need to be calculated by taking the derivative of impulses versus using a 3rd party tool.
  4. The Altair binary format (*.abf) contains forces and moments output directly from Radioss.
  5. Calculating forces and moments using the derivative of the impulses, can cause non-zero force values at time=0. If needed, the nodal animation force output, /ANIM/VECT/* can be post-processed.
  6. FI, MI, FXI, FYI, FZI, MXI, MYI, and MZI are the forces applied by interfaces TYPE14 or TYPE15 on the envelope surface (if available).