The search bar can be used to find and filter entities in a browser.
Note: The following covers searching in HyperMesh browsers.
The search syntax is HyperView and HyperGraph browsers varies slightly. For more information,
see the Results Data or
Plot Data
Perform a Quick Search
Enter the Name or ID directly in the browser search bar.
Figure 1.
Entering this query
Returns this result
All entities that contain
shell in their name.
All entities with the name
All entities starting with the name
All entities ending with the name
All entities that contain
shell in their name.
2 or "2"
All entities with the ID
All entities with the IDs in range
1 to 4.
All entities with the IDs
1, 5 and
All entities with IDs that start with
the number 2.
All entities with IDs that end with
the number 2.
Press Enter or click to execute the search.
Clear the search and return to the default browser view in the following
Delete the search and press Enter.
Click x.
With the cursor's focus on the search bar,
press Esc.
Tip: When the entry is alpha or alpha-numeric, the searched is performed on
the names of entities. When the entry is only numeric,
the searched is performed on the IDs of entities.
Perform an Advanced Search Using Auto-Completion
Interactively build search strings using a dynamic suggestion list.
Access the list by clicking the text field of a browser search bar.
Figure 2.
Select attributes, operators, and values to append the correct syntax to the
search string.
The search syntax follows this basic form: <attribute> <operator>
Figure 3.
Note: The attributes available in the list are the same as the current
active browser attributes (columns). If you do not see an expected
attribute, make sure the corresponding browser column is turned
Entering this query
Returns this result
Entities that contain Bpillar in their
Entities that do not contain Bpillar in their
Entities with an ID that contains the number 5.
Entities with an ID that does not contain the number 5.
Entities with the name Bpillar
Entities with an ID equal to 10
Entities with an ID not equal to 10
ID IN(5,10,15)
Entities with an ID equal to 5 or
10 or 15
ID NOT IN(5,10,15)
Entities with an ID not equal to 5 or
10 or 15
Entities with an ID in the range of
Entities with an ID not in the range of
Entities with IDs starting with 8 and ending
with 3
Entities with IDs ending with 6 in 6-digit
Entities with IDs with 2 at the 5th position
in 8-digit numbers
Entity=Properties AND ID>10
Properties with an ID greater than
Entity=Properties OR ID>10
All properties and other entities with an ID greater than
ID>=10 AND ID=<20 AND
Entities that contain Bpillar in their name
and have an ID greater than or equal to 10 and
less than or equal to 20.
Include=1 AND Material E=210000 OR Material
Materials with E=210000 under Include1 and
Materials with E=220000 under all other
Include=1 AND (Material E=210000 OR Material
Materials with E=210000 and
E=220000 under Include1.
Include=1 AND Material E
Materials with E=210000 and
E=220000 under Include1.
Include=1 AND Property T NOT
Properties with Thickness not equal to 1.5 or
3.5 under Include1
Press Enter or click to execute the search.
Clear the search and return to the default browser view in the following
Delete the search and press Enter.
Click x.
With the cursor's focus on the search bar,
press Esc.
Press the Down Arrow key to scroll thought the list
of attributes, operators, or values.
Press Tab or
Enter to select the
attributes, operators, or values
Press Esc to dismiss the list
of attributes, operators, or values.
While searching for text with space or special characters, use quotes (“
To search multiple values with a single attribute entry, use a coma after
the first value selection without a space.
Double-click on an attributes, operators, or values to invoke suggestion
Use Column Filters to Build a Search
Use column filters to quickly search any attribute that is added to a browser as a
Hover over a column name then click the filter icon .
Type a value or select from the suggestion list then press Enter or click .
The value entered is converted to the correct syntax and shown in the search bar.
Figure 4.
You can also use operators in the column filter to refine the
Figure 5.
A column filter icon indicates the column on which the filter
is applied.
Figure 6.
Multiple column filters can be applied. The search string is
appended in the search bar.
Figure 7.
Clear the search and return to the default browser view in the following
Delete the search and press Enter.
Click x.
With the cursor's focus on the search bar,
press Esc.
Use Predefined Filters to Build a Search
Use predefined filters to quickly filter the browser contents with selected or
displayed entities
Predefined filters are supported in Model Browser entity views,
the Part Browser, and the Subsystem Browser.
Access the list of predefined filters by clicking the drop-down button next to
the search icon.
Figure 8.
Selected - Filters the browser with just the
selected items. The Selected filter works for selection in both the browser
and the graphics and should be reapplied after appending an existing
Displayed - Filters the browser with entities
that are displayed in the graphics. When the Displayed filter is applied in
a browser, the filtered results are automatically updated upon changing the
display state of the selected entities.
Current - Filters out the current
Clear the search and return to the default browser view in the following
Delete the search and press Enter.
Click x.
With the cursor's focus on the search bar,
press Esc.
Tip: After applying predefined filters, the search string can be further
appended with more arguments to refine the search results.
Access Recent Search Strings
Click the text field of a browser search bar.
Your recent searches are indicated by the icon.
Figure 9.
Clicking on a recent search string auto-applies the filter and shows
the search string in the search bar.
Clicking Remove removes the selected search
string from recent history.
Note: A maximum of 5 recent searches are shown.
Remove the latest strings to see previous search