Altair® Copilot (Beta)

AI assistant for Altair HyperWorks.

Altair Copilot is an AI-powered support assistant that understands natural language and can answer questions based exclusively on Altair's online help material and other Altair knowledge sources. It is available in several Altair HyperWorks's applications.
Figure 1.

Launch Altair Copilot

To invoke the Altair Copilot chat interface:
  1. From the upper-right corner of the application window, click .

    Or, click View > Altair Copilot (Beta).

  2. In the Ask a question field, enter a question and click Enter or the send button to submit it.
  3. To use Altair Copilot's scripting capabilities (beta), add the #script keyword anywhere in your question to get a script-based answer.

    For example: “Please write a Tcl script that creates a new Component named ‘Target’, and then select and organize all displayed elements into it. #script”.

  4. To return to the welcome screen, click Altair Copilot at the top of the chat window. Click it again to return to your questions.
  5. Drag or double-click the window header to undock or reposition the window to another location within the application.

Knowledge Resources

Altair Copilot uses an active internet connection to process your questions and can only return answers from Altair's own online help and some additional knowledge resources, such as the Altair Community Knowledge Base, Altair How-To video libraries, and Altair Learning materials, for example. It understands and responds in multiple languages, with the input language detected automatically. The coverage of Altair's knowledge resources is continuously expanding. Please do not submit questions that include personal or sensitive information.

In contrast with other AI chat solutions, the hallucination phenomenon, where the AI invents non-existent answers, is vastly minimized due to its constrained context approach. However, it can still retrieve an incorrect answer or fail to find the answer, depending on the specific qualities of the question and Altair’s own documentation sources.
Note: A follow-up question can significantly impact the answers returned. Altair Copilot keeps track of both the current and last question, so when you ask a follow-up question, you can assume it remembers the last question and answer. For example, after asking a midsurface question, Altair Copilot understands this type of follow-up question: “That’s great, but can I do the same for a Midmesh?”

The list of topics from which answers are retrieved is automatically narrowed based on the active application and solver profile. For example, if you are using HyperMesh with the OptiStruct profile, Altair Copilot only provides answers related to either HyperMesh or OptiStruct.

Altair Copilot is currently available in the following AltairHyperWorks's applications:
  • Desktop applications:
    • HyperMesh
    • HyperMesh CFD
    • HyperView
    • HyperGraph
    • MotionView
    • HyperMesh NVH
    • HyperLife
  • Solvers and solver profiles:
    • OptiStruct
    • Radioss
    • MotionSolve
    • AcuSolve