Find Free Edges

Use the Edges tool to find free edges and "T" connections in a group of shell elements and create1D elements from them.

Free edges are defined as a pair of nodes identifying an element edge that are not shared with another element. Free edges are normally found around the outer perimeter of a part or around openings within the part. Free edges found in your model are displayed as red plot elements in their own component called ^edges.

Free edges within a field of elements typically indicate a discontinuity within the mesh. Such discontinuities may be intentional, such as crack modeling for durability simulation, or unintentional, due to geometry discontinuities, meshing methods or component boundaries. In cases where the mesh has a discontinuity, there will typically be more than one node at approximately the same location in space. Such nodes are called "coincident".

Figure 1.

  1. From the Validate ribbon, click the Edges tool.
    Figure 2.

  2. Optional: Click and define additional options.
    1. For Find, choose between finding free edges or T-connections.
    2. Choose between creating plot elements or lines.
    3. Select Smooth to create smooth (curved) lines rather than jointed lines.
      Restriction: Only available when creating lines.
    4. For Break angle, specify the value above which a line will be broken into two lines with a joint between them.
      Restriction: Only available when creating lines.
  3. From the guide bar, select an entity type.
  4. In the modeling window, select the entities whose associated edges you wish to find.
  5. Optional: Preview free edges.
    1. From the guide bar, click Review.
    2. Use the arrows on the guide bar to navigate between found edges.
  6. Complete one of the following options:
    • Click to find edges and create 1Ds or lines.
    • Click to find edges and create 1Ds or lines and exit the tool.
    • Click to exit the tool without finding edges and creating 1Ds or lines.