Data Groups

Data groups define the data to be written out to a partial FES file.

Each data group must have a unique group name. Repeating the same group name for more than one data group can result in erroneous FES files or errors when writing out FES files. A group name is denoted by having an asterisk, "*", leading the group name line, followed by 1-12 data type lines. A data group for shell or solid element data groups contains stress or strain tensors for nodes or elements. A valid data group can contain only one type of data – either stress or strain. A data group cannot have inconsistent data such as, stress and strain data in the same data block.

For instance, a data group for a shell/solid element contains the following components:
  • Normal stress/strain along X
  • Normal stress/strain along Y
  • Normal stress/strain along Z
  • Shear stress/strain XY
  • Shear stress/strain YZ
  • Shear stress/strain XZ

When a results file is loaded into HyperView, the Fatigue Manager displays only those data group names for which all component results are available. Only one data group can be selected at a time. When a particular data group is selected, the Fatigue Manager exports all associated data type information (stress or strain) from HyperView to the FES file.

Examples on how to create Nastran and Abaqus data groups are provided in the Data Groups for hmnast Results Files and Data Groups for hmabaqus Results Files. Data groups for any other solver can be constructed in a similar fashion.

Select one of the following to view the data groups for the HyperMesh results files generated with the hmnast or hmabaqus results translators.

Data Groups for hmnast Results Files

The Fatigue Manager identifies data types associated with nodes or element centroids if they are available in the results file.

The analysis deck for Nastran must contain the appropriate output requests in the Case Control Section to ensure that correct stress and strain components are recovered in the analysis.
Data Group hmnast Data Type
Stress at Z1 Normal Stress X at Z1
Normal Stress Y at Z1
Shear Stress XY at Z1
Stress at Z2 Normal Stress X at Z2
Normal Stress Y at Z2
Shear Stress XY at Z2
Stress (solids) Normal Stress X (solids)
Normal Stress Y (solids)
Normal Stress Z (solids)
Shear Stress XY (solids)
Shear Stress YZ (solids)
Shear Stress XZ (solids)
Strain at Z1 Normal Strain X at Z1
Normal Strain Y at Z1
Shear Strain XY at Z1
Strain at Z2 Normal Strain X at Z2
Normal Strain Y at Z2
Shear Strain XY at Z2
Strain (solids) Normal Strain X (solids)
Normal Strain Y (solids)
Normal Strain Z (solids)
Shear Strain XY (solids)
Shear Strain YZ (solids)
Shear Strain XZ (solids)

Data Groups for hmabaqus Results Files

The analysis deck for Abaqus must contain the appropriate output requests to ensure that correct stress and strain components are recovered in the analysis.

Data Group hmabaqus Data Type
Stress BOTTOM SURFACE (Nodal) Local Stress 11 (1) (N)
Local Stress 22 (1) (N)
Local Stress 12 (1) (N)
Stress TOP SURFACE (Nodal) Local Stress 11 (n) (N)
n = number of integration points specified for SHELL SECTION in Abaqus Local Stress 22 (n) (N)
Local Stress 12 (n) (N)
Stress BOTTOM SURFACE (Elemental) Local Stress 11 (1)
Local Stress 22 (1)
Local Stress 12 (1)
Stress TOP SURFACE (Elemental) Local Stress 11 (n)
n = number of integration points specified for SHELL SECTION in Abaqus Local Stress 22 (n)
Local Stress 12 (n)
Stress (SOLIDS) (Nodal) Stress XX (N)
Stress YY (N)
Stress ZZ (N)
Stress XY (N)
Stress YZ (N)
Stress XZ (N)
Stress (SOLIDS) (Elemental) Stress XX
Stress YY
Stress ZZ
Stress XY
Stress YZ
Stress XZ
Strain BOTTOM SURFACE (Nodal) Local Strain 11 (1) (N)
Local Strain 22 (1) (N)
Local Strain 12 (1) (N)
Strain TOP SURF (Nodal) Local Strain 11 (n) (N)
n = number of integration points specified for SHELL SECTION in Abaqus Local Strain 22 (n) (N)
Local Strain 12 (n) (N)
Strain BOTTOM SURFACE (Elemental) Local Strain 11 (1)
Local Strain 22 (1)
Local Strain 12 (1)
Strain TOP SURF (Elemental) Local Strain 11 (n)
n = number of integration points specified for SHELL SECTION in Abaqus Local Strain 22 (n)
Local Strain 12 (n)
Strain (SOLIDS) (Nodal) Strain XX (N)
Strain YY (N)
Strain ZZ (N)
Strain XY (N)
Strain YZ (N)
Strain XZ (N)
Strain (SOLIDS) (Elemental) Strain XX
Strain YY
Strain ZZ
Strain XY
Strain YZ
Strain XZ