CFD AcuSolve Reader Options

Control CFD AcuSolve Reader options by clicking Reader Options from the Load Model and Results panel.

Figure 1.

Extended nodal output
No (default)
HyperView will only load the Nodal Output variable listed in the Supported Results.
HyperView will load all of the available result data in the AcuSolve result file.
Display mesh movement
Yes (default)
HyperView will display mesh movement.
HyperView will not display mesh movement.
Load only the last step
Yes (default)
HyperView will load only the last output result file. For a steady state analysis with intermediate result output files, HyperView will display the final steady state result.
HyperView will load all of the available result files. You can animate and display each result file individually.
Reset time
No (default)
HyperView will not modify time.
HyperView will reset time to start from zero.
Read duplicate boundaries
No (default)
HyperView will not read duplicate surfaces from mesh definition.
HyperView will read duplicated surfaces from mesh definition.