Supported Nastran Results in HyperGraph

hgnastpch_freq External Reader

HyperGraph directly reads Nastran SORT1, SORT2 and PSD punch file formats, SOL 108 and SOL 111 punch file, and supports the following result types:
  • Displacement (regular and PSD format)
  • Velocity (regular and PSD format)
  • Acceleration (regular and PSD format)
  • SPC and MPC forces

Element forces (CELAS1, CELAS2, CDAMP, CDAMP2, CBUSH).

Nastran .op2 and H5 Files

HyperGraph also reads Nastran OP2 files from the following solution and result types:
Solution Types
SOL 101
SOL 103
SOL 105
SOL 108
SOL 109
SOL 111
SOL 112
SOL 146
Result Types
SPC Forces
2D Forces
Strain Energy
For Random Response and Random Gust Response, HyperGraph can read the following functions:
  • RMS and Cumulative RMS (CRMS)
  • PSD (PSDF)
  • Auto-Correlation (AUTO)
  • Positive Zero Crossing (N0)

Nastran F06 Files

HyperGraph reads Nastran .f06 files for the following results types:

SOL200: Design Variables and Design Objectives

SOL108, 111: Modal Participation Factors

Flutter data

HyperMesh RES Files

HyperGraph also reads HyperMesh .res files created by hmnast and hmnasto2.

Summary of Nastran Support in HyperGraph

Functionality HyperGraph Support
Reads results file directly PCH, OP2
Reads translated results PCH (hmnast: HMRES)

OP2 (hmnast02:HMRES)

Supported SOLs PCH translated: 101, 103, 105, 106, 107, 108, 109, 110, 111, 112, 146
PCH direct: 108, 109
OP2 translated: 101, 103, 105, 106, 107, 108, 109, 110, 111, 112
OP2 direct: None in 7.0.

OP2 direct: any SOLs with SA-006 patch.

Nastran version supported 2005

Nastran PCH Files

HyperGraph directly reads Nastran SORT2 file formats for the following result types:
  • Displacement
  • Velocity
  • Acceleration
  • SPC and MPC Forces
  • Element Stresses
  • Element Strains
  • Element Forces
  • Modal Contributions (MCFRACTION), for Transient Response and Transient Gust Response
For Random Response and Random Gust Response, HyperGraph can read the following functions:
  • Cumulative RMS (CRMS)
  • PSD (PSDF) and Cross-PSD (CROSS-PSDF)
  • Auto-Correlation (AUTO) and Cross-Correlation (CROSS-CORRELATION)
Supported element types:
  • BAR
  • BEAM
  • CDAMP and CDAMP2
  • CELAS1 and CELAS2
  • HEXA
  • QUAD4, QUAD8 and QUADR
  • ROD
  • TRIA3, TRIA6 and TRIAR