Reposition the Move Tool
Reposition the Move tool to align a manipulator along an axis, along a vector, along a plane normal, within a plane, or in 3D space to change the center of rotation.
From the Home tools, click the Move tool.
Figure 1. The default move mode is set to Interactive.Note: In HyperMesh, the Move tool is part of a ribbon group menu along with the Transformation, Mirror, and Scale tools. Click the arrow beside the icon to view the tool if it is not currently active. - Select an entity type using the guide bar selector.
- Select entities and click Move.
Enter editing mode in the following ways:
- Press Ctrl and click on a location.
- Press Shift and drag the manipulator.
- Double-click one of the graphical manipulators.
The Move tool becomes orange, indicating that it is ready to be repositioned. - Like translating and rotating, use the graphical manipulators and microdialogs to reposition the tool.
Release Ctrl, Shift, or click
in empty space to exit editing mode.
The Move tool displays in white.