Import From File

From the Certification Browser, import several designpointsets with designpoints and structural properties in bulk from the context menu.

  1. In the Certification Browser, right-click and select Import from .xml file from the context menu.
  2. Browse and select the desired *.xml file and click Open.

The *.xml file must contain the top-level <Certification> tag.

Every entity to import must be defined between the <Certification> and </Certification>tags.

The file can contain three major blocks:
  • <DynamicDatanameFactory>
  • <StructuralProperties>
  • <Sets>
Figure 1. Data Structure


Contains a collection of tags <Dataname uid=””> where uid is later referred to by the ddh=”” attribute inside structural properties.

Such blocks aim to define a reusable list of dynamic data names to be added to a structural property. Below examples contain such an xml block as well as its counterpart in the HyperMesh GUI and how it renders in the Entity Editor.

The actual datanames added are of the following types:
  • string : attributes of type string (support spaces)
  • double: float attributes
  • bool: Boolean attributes

    This is rendered as a check box in the GUI

  • int: integer
  • uint: unsigned integer
  • fileopen: file path rendered with a widget to open existing file
  • filesave: file path rendered with a widget to save file to the disk
  • diropen: directory path rendered with a widget to select a folder

name=”” is mandatory and is the actual data name used in query.

  • displayname is the one displayed in the GUI
  • If allowables=”” is provided, then a combobox with prescribed choice will render the selection
  • value=”” is the default value given to the attributes
  • parent=”” allows to have hierarchical display of attributes in the GUI
  • editable (resp. visible) controls if the attribute is editable (resp. if the attribute must be hidden)
Figure 2.

Figure 3.

Figure 4.

Structural Properties

The tags to define structural properties are:
beamsection/beamsectionid, material/materialid, length, ddh
diameter, ddh
property/propertyid , ddh
material/materialid, thickness, width, length, radius, ddh
property/propertyid, width, length, radius, ddh

Some of the configs can be used refer to a HyperMesh entity like material or beamsection.

In such cases, both reference by name (material=”steel”) or reference by id (materialid=”121”) are supported, but the two material/materialid attributes are mutually exclusive.

The ddh=”uid” attribute must take a value among the uid available in the list of <Dataname> blocks in DynamicDatanameFactory.

For instance, the Beam structural property in Figure 5 and Figure 6 is using the block of datanames M8.
Figure 5.

Figure 6.


You must create Sets (designpointsets) to define some designpoints. The config of designpointsets are contained in their type:
  • RivetSet: designpointset of config=rivet
  • BeamSet: designpointset of config=beam
  • MPanelSet: designpointset of config= panel _metallic
  • CPanelSet: designpointset of config= panel _composite
  • GenericSet: designpointset of config=generic
Figure 7.

A designpoint is added using the following tag inside a Set:
<ddp name=”” type=”” entityids=”” sprop=”” assign=””/>
  • name is unique name of designpoint
  • entityids is an ordered list of entity of type defined by type=”” (default elems)
    • For cpanel and mpanel, a panel entity is created out of the selected elements.
  • Sprop must be equal to the name of a structural property of same configuration
  • assign=”copy|keep” controls if structuralproperty is directly assigned (keep) or if a copy is created first