X Source

Use the X Source tab to select the X Type, Request, and Component data.

Note: By default, time is selected as the X type, request, and component (TRC).
Figure 1.

Choose Data File
Click the file browser button to locate the data file. X Source types, requests, and components are automatically populated based on multiple input selection or Y Source file selections.
Types Filter
Enter the keyword to use as a filter when searching for types. Access the search string history from the drop-down menu.
Types List
Displays the types found (with or without a filter) from the file selected. Select a type to populate the Requests list.
Requests Filter
Enter the keyword to use as a filter when searching for requests. Access the search string history from the drop-down menu. Select Match Y Request to use as an additional filter.
Requests List
Displays the requests found (with or without a filter) from the selected type. Select the requests to populate the Components list.
Components Filter
Enter the keyword that you want to use as a filter when searching for components. Access the search string history from the drop-down menu. Select Match Y Component to use as an additional filter.
Components List
Displays the components found (with or without a filter) from the selected requests.