Axes View

The Axes view, , displays only the axes in the session, grouped within their respective page and plot folders. Click on an axis to display its properties in the Entity Editor.

See Axes for more information on defining a plot's axis.

Figure 1.

When an axis is selected, the following fields are displayed in the Entity Editor:


Turns on/off the axis display in the modeling window.
Name Visibility
Turns on/off the axis name in the modeling window.
The axis name.
The axis label.
The axis type, horizontal or vertical.


Label Font Settings
Font settings and color.
Click the color box to select a color for the axis information.


Scale Type
From the drop-down menu, select linear, logarithmic, dB20, or dB10.
HyperGraph supports results that contain data available in the octave band format, allowing you to render the x-axis as an octave scale. Select the X axis to view the octave options under Scale Type.
Octave Plot Type
Plot an octave curve using one of two modes: Linear or Step.
The curve is drawn as shown below:
Figure 2.

The curve is displayed as steps, which looks like an outline of bar diagram as shown below:
Figure 3.

If the data in the octave band is not the preferred values, convert the results to support the octave band scale using the Add Stackmath Operation.
  1. From the Plot Browser/Curves view, select the curve.
  2. Right-click and select Add Stackmath Operation.
  3. From the Add Stackmath Operation dialog, select octave.
  4. Define the parameters.
    Figure 4.

After creating an octave stack math operation, you can render the x-axis as an octave scale as shown under the Linear option.
The minimum and maxium values on this axis.
Select Never, At Import, or Always.
The selected axis is automatically scaled to fit new curves or bar charts that are added to the axis.
At Import
The selected axis remains scaled to fit the curve(s) currently assigned to it and it is not scaled to fit new curves.
The axes are not fit with any of the operations and will always be locked.
Visual Reverse
Visual Reverse – Activate Visual Reverse to switch the values and reverse the axis display. You can either select the axis from the browser, then activate Visual Reverse, or activate the Toggle Sync Mode, select the axis from the GUI, and then activate the option.
Note: If Visual Reverse is activated and you attempt to drag the borders to trim a curve in the Modify Curves panel, it will not work. You will have to manually enter the new values in the From and To fields under Range.
Visual Reverse is available in Bar Chart plots for the y-axis only. For Complex Plots, it’s available for all axes, but it is not available in Polar Plots.


See the Scaling Axes and Axis Tics sections in the Axes topic for more information on the features in the Tic section.
Tic Method
Select Tics per Axis to add a specific number of tics. Select Tics per Increment to add tics at specific intervals.
Tics per Axis
Enter the number of tics per axis.
Tics per Increment
Enter the interval number for tic placement on the axis.
Grids per Tic
If using the linear axis, use Grids per Tic (or grids per decade if the axis is logarithmic, decibels, or dB10) to change the number of grid lines on the graph.
Precision specifies the number of digits displayed to the right of the decimal point.
Tic Font Settings
Click to define the tic font settings.


The unit type.
Select a unit of measure.