EDEM Analyst - Analyze Your Results

Learn how to review, examine, and analyze the results of the simulation using EDEM Analyst.

To analyze the simulation results:
  1. Click the icon on the Toolbar.
  2. Use the controls below the simulation window to rewind the simulation to the first Time Step.
  3. Click the icon to play through each Time Step of your simulation.

Configure the Display

The Display section in the Analyst Tree is used to configure the appearance of the different elements in your model. The Geometry, particles, and contacts within your model can also be colored in a variety of ways. Any section of a Geometry, particle, contact type, or selection group can be colored independently.

To configure the Display Section:
  1. Configure the Geometries subsection.
    1. Click Display in the Analyst Tree and then expand the Geometries subsection.
    2. Select different Geometries and modify their display in the Detailed View.

      For example, use the Display Mode dropdown list to make the hopper transparent, guides as mesh, and the belt fully opaque. Options are: Filled, Mesh, or Points. The Opacity can have values between 0-1, with 0 being completely transparent and 1 being solid.

    3. Ensure that the Display Factory checkbox is not selected, so that it is not visible in the Viewer Window.

    4. Other Geometries should be displayed as Filledwith 0.5 Opacity.
  2. Configure the Particles subsection.

    You can modify the display of the particles in a similar way to that of the Geometries. In addition, you can represent the particles using vectors, cones, streams, and particle templates.

    1. Select and expand the Particles section in the Analyst tree and then select rock particle.
    2. Select Template from the Representation dropdown list in the Detailed View.
    3. Click Options..., set the Template to Rock Template and then click OK.

      In large simulations, a template representation can put a high demand on system resources.

    4. Watch the simulation step-by-step by using the controls located at the lower section of the Viewer window.
    5. Set the Representation back to Default before proceeding.
      Note: The template in the Analyst is for display purposes only, and does not change the simulation results. In the Creator, the particle mass, volume, and inertia can be calculated from a template. If you have selected this approach, the same template must be used for display purposes.
  3. Color the particles according to their mass.
    1. Select rock particle in the Particles subsection of the Analyst Tree.
    2. In the Coloring section of the Detailed View, select Color by Mass from the dropdown list.
    3. Select 3 from the Levels dropdown list, and set the Min, Mid, and Max colors to Blue, Green and Red respectively.
    4. Do not select the Smooth Colors checkbox.
    5. Click the icon next to the Min Value and Max Value fields to read the current values from the point in the simulation being displayed in the Viewer.
    6. Do not select the Auto Update checkbox.
    7. Set Min to 0 kg and Max to 0.8 kg to allow the maximum value in the simulation to be displayed instead of the instantaneous maximum mass value.

    8. Select the Show Legend checkbox.
    9. Click the icon to view the distribution of mass over time.
  4. Color the belt Geometry by velocity.
    1. Expand the Geometries subsection in the Analyst Tree.
    2. Select the belt Geometry element.
    3. In the Coloring section of the Detailed View, select Velocity from the Color by dropdown list.
    4. Set the Min, Mid, and Max colors to Dark Grey, Green, and Red respectively.
    5. Set the Min and Max values to 0 m/s and 2 m/s.
    6. Play through the simulation to see how the belt velocity changes with time.

      You can also plot and export this data.

Create Selections

Selections allow you to extract data from a particular volume or element in the domain. Using selections, you can monitor any element passing through a particular volume (known as a 'bin') or track particular elements as they move within the domain. You can then display, color, plot, or export data based on these selections.

To create Selections:
  1. Create a Grid Bin Group.
    You can compare the total mass of particles falling off the end of the conveyor belt with the mass of particles falling off the bottom of the lower hopper. To do so, create two grid bin groups each containing one bin.
    1. Right-click Setup Selections in the Analyst Tree.
    2. Navigate to Add Selection > > Grid Bin Group and name it Conveyor group.
    3. Select the newly created Grid Bin Group and in the Detailed View, set its properties as follows:

    4. Click Apply.
    5. Right-click Setup Selections to create a second Grid Bin Group and name it Hopper_group.
    6. Set the properties of the Grid Bin Group and then click Apply:

  2. Define the Selection group queries.

    A query is used to define a single element attribute, for example particle velocity, total force on a Geometry section, or number of collisions.

    1. To compare the total mass of particles passing through the first bin group with the number passing through the second, set the Current Time to about 6.3s.

      Use the controls at the lower section of the Viewer window or type the current time desired in the Time Step section in the menu bar. This is the last Time Step before any particles leave the conveyor belt.

    2. Select Conveyor_group in the Setup Selections section of the Analyst Tree.
    3. In the Options section of the Detailed View, click Edit….

      The Selection Query Editor is displayed.

    4. Expand Particle and then select Mass.
    5. Set Type to rock particle and Query Type to Total.
    6. Select the Total Over Time checkbox and then click OK.
      The query is displayed in the dialog box.

    7. Repeat the same steps to define an identical query for the Hopper_group.
  3. Set the Selection group display options.
    1. In the Setup Selections section of the Analyst Tree, select Conveyor_group.
    2. In the Representation section of the Detailed View, click Edit... to edit the display options.

      The Display Options dialog box is displayed.

    3. Select the On-Screen Query checkbox to display the mass in the Viewer:

    4. Repeat the same steps for the Hopper_group.
    5. Click the icon to view the results in real time.

      As the playback continues through the Time Steps, bin group data is collected and displayed.

Extract Data

You can now export the data collected during your simulation for analysis. The data can be exported from a single Time Step, a range of Time Steps, all the elements in a model, or a selection or bin group.

To extract data:
  1. Create an export configuration.
    1. Select File > Export > Results Data.

      The Export Results Data dialog box is displayed.

    2. Click the icon under Configuration ID to create a new configuration.

      A single configuration can contain multiple queries and can be reused at any point in your model.

    3. Set the Export Format to Text to extract data to a .csv file.
    4. Enter the file name as Conveyor and then set the save location to the tutorial folder.
  2. Define a query to export Total Over Time queries for each bin group.
    1. In File > Export > Results Data, go to the General tab.
    2. Select the Output Averages, Maximums, Minimums, and Totals in Columns checkboxes.
    3. In the Time Steps section, clear the All checkbox and then set the range to start at about 6.3s.
    4. Select the Queries tab to define the data to be exported.
    5. Click the icon to create a new query.
    6. Expand Particle and then select Mass.
    7. Set the Type to rock particle.
    8. Select Conveyor_group.
    9. Select the Total Over Time checkbox and then click OK.
    10. Repeat the same steps to add a second query for the Hopper_group.
  3. Export the data.
    1. Click Export to export the data to the pre-defined file (Conveyor.csv).
    2. Open the file in an external application (such as a spreadsheet editor) and review the data.