nc preempt

Preempt the specified running jobs.

nc: Usage Message

    Preempt the specified running jobs.
    Preemption means that:
    1.  The job is stopped or suspended (depending on method and age)
    2.  The resources of the job are revoked
    3.  If needed, a 'resumer job' is scheduled to
    restart the job as soon as the revoked
    resources are again available.

    If a job is not running, an error is reported.

    % nc preempt [OPTIONS] <jobId> ...

    -h                   -- This help.
    -v                   -- Increase verbosity.
    -method METHOD       -- Specify preemption method. Default is AUTOMATIC.
                            Common values:
                            AUTOMATIC, KILL, KILL+RESUBMIT, SUSPEND,
                            Other values and example of preemption plans
                            (see docs): MODELSIM, BEGIN:RETRACING:EXT,
                            TSTP, vish.
                            Bad values are currently ignored.
    -manualresume        -- The resumer job is not scheduled;
                            A 'nc resume' is required to restart the
                            preempted job.
    -resumeres RESLIST   -- Specify resources to be added to the
                            resumer job. The resources are expanded.
                            @HOST@ RAM/@RAM@
                            Any job field can be used, but here are
                            some common fields that can be useful:
                            @HWRAM@ @HWCORES@ @HWPERCENT@ @HWSLOTS@

    % nc preempt 123456
    % nc preempt -v 123456

    % nc preempt -method SIGTSTP 123456
    % nc preempt -method KILL+RESUBMIT 123456
    % nc preempt -method BEGIN:RETRACING:EXT,TSTP,vish 123456
    % nc preempt 03076307 03076311 03076315

    % nc preempt -manualresume 123456
    % nc preempt -manualresume -resumeres @PROP.SOLUTION@ 123456
    % nc preempt -manualresume -resumeres "@HOST@ RAM/@MAXRAM@" 123456
    % ...
    % nc resume  123456


Most of the options are explained by the summaries in the brief usage output shown above. The -v option enables printing of additional messages that may be helpful in troubleshooting.

The -method option may be used to specify the preemption method used to revoke the resources of the preempted jobs. This overrides any method in the configuration file. This option may be helpful in troubleshooting. The -l option is handy to get a list of known preemption methods. The names of the methods are case-sensitive.

Only users with the Altair Accelerator ADMIN privilege or the owner of the preempted job can run this command.