Create Indoor Database with LEGO

The Lego tool provides a couple of easy to use functions for indoor database creation. The main idea is the generation of basic wall combinations (the so-called templates) describing typical database elements such as rectangular rooms, staircases and roofs The user-friendly graphical interface offers dialog based entry of fundamental template parameters (dimensions), post-creation editing possibilities (moving, scaling, rotating), the definition of any combination of database walls as a template, recombination possibilities for known templates and a program toolbar for fast selection of the tool to be used.

The LEGO toolbar can be found by default at the top side of the WallMan window.

Table 1. LEGO Tools
Rectangular room Roof
L-shaped room Stairs
T-shaped room Cylinder
U-shaped room Sphere
S-shaped room Staircase

To create a LEGO element, select a type from the LEGO toolbar and edit the values in the appearing dialog.

Figure 1. The Settings for room type L-Room dialog.

After closing the dialog with OK, WallMan shows the new element in the active 2D view. Double-clicking on the element changes between move and rotate mode. The element can be moved and rotated by clicking on it and moving the mouse.