
Translate or rotate sketch entities.


Use the Transform tool to translate or rotate sketch entities.
Tip: The Transform tool can be used to move the single entities on the sketch plane. To move the whole sketch in the 3D space, use the Move tool.
  1. On the Sketch ribbon, select the Transform tool.
  2. Select the sketch entities to translate or rotate.
    Note: Use box selection or hold Ctrl while clicking to select multiple sketch entities.
    If you selected multiple entities, the tool will be placed at a center point between the entities.

    If you selected one entity, the tool will be placed at the center point of the entity.

  3. Drag the relevant handle to translate/rotate the selected sketch entities.
    Tip: To reposition the tool, drag the handles or drag the tool from the point in the center.
    To Do this
    Translate horizontally
    • Drag the horizontal handle.
    • Select the horizontal handle, and then enter an X value in the microdialog.
    Translate vertically
    • Drag the vertical handle.
    • Select the vertical handle, and then enter a Y value in the microdialog.
    Translate in any direction
    • Drag the center of the Transform tool.
      Note: This tool is limited to a single plane.
    • Drag the curved handle.
    • Select the curved handle, and then enter an Angle.
    Reset the sketch selection
    • Click in the modeling window.
      Note: Any selected entities will be deselected, but the Transform tool will remain open.
    Return the Transform tool to its default location
    • Click Reset in the guide bar.
      Note: If you have no entities selected, the Transform tool will relocate to the origin of the sketch plane.
    Remove constraints from selected entities
    • In the guide bar, deselect Keep Relations. This will remove all defined constraints between selected entities, and you will be able to move all shapes freely.
      Important: If you deselect Keep Relations, they cannot be added back without manually redefining them.
    Reset the view to the original sketch plane
    • In the Control Panel, click Align View to Sketch Plane.
  4. Right-click and mouse through the check mark to exit, or double-right-click.