
Create a linear or circular pattern of sketch entities.

Create a Linear Pattern

Pattern sketch entities in a linear direction.

First, sketch one shape to pattern and one reference shape for each pattern direction.
  1. On the Sketching ribbon, in the Pattern tool group, select the Linear Pattern tool.

    The Control Panel appears.
  2. In the modeling window, select the entity you would like to pattern.
    To select multiple entities, use box selection or hold down Ctrl while clicking the entities.
    Tip: You can select entities from multiple sketch shapes.
  3. Select a method to Pattern by:
    1. Number of Copies: Create a pattern based on the number of Copies of the selected entity you would like in a pattern direction. The original entity is included in the Copies value.
    2. Equal Spacing: Create a pattern based on the Total Spacing you would like between the first and last entity in the pattern. The Spacing between each copy will be calculated automatically so that they are equal.
  4. Select a Direction:
    1. Single (default): Create the pattern in one direction.
    2. Both: Create the pattern in both directions. If you select Both, a second set of parameters appears in the control panel under Direction 2.
  5. In the Control Panel, click Direction 1.
    1. In the modeling window, select a sketch line to which the pattern will be parallel.
      A preview of Direction 1 will appear in the modeling window with the default Copies value (three figures total).
    2. Optional: To reverse the direction, click .
  6. If you have enabled both directions, in the Control Panel, click Direction 2.
    1. Select a sketch line to which the Direction 2 pattern will be parallel.
      A preview of Direction 2 will appear in the modeling window with the default Copies value (three total copies) of Direction 1 in Direction 2.

    2. Optional: To reverse the direction, click .
  7. In the Control Panel, adjust the pattern along Direction 1 or Direction 2:
    To Do this
    Change the distance between copies Change the Spacing value (only available if you chose to pattern by Number of Copies).
    Change the number of copies Enter the number of Copies.
    Adjust the total spacing between the first and last shape in the pattern Change the value of Total Spacing (only available if you chose to pattern by Equal Spacing).
    Pattern symmetrically along direction 1 or 2 For Direction 1 or 2, turn on Symmetry.
    Note: Symmetry does not change the Copies value when enabled.
    Add more entities to pattern
    1. In the guide bar or control panel, click Entities.
    2. Use box selection or hold Ctrl while clicking entities you would like to add.
  8. Optional: Select the copies to skip.
    1. In the Control Panel, click Copies to Skip.
    2. In the modeling window, choose copies to exclude from the pattern.
      Excluded shapes turn bright yellow.
    3. In the Control Panel, right-click once in the modeling window or click Copies to Skip to apply.
      Excluded shapes disappear from the pattern.
      Note: To re-add excluded shapes to the pattern, click Copies to Skip in the Control Panel. Excluded shapes will re-appear. Select each shape you would like to add back to your pattern. Right-click once in the modeling window to apply.
  9. Optional: If you would like your pattern created without dimension specifications, deselect the Create Dimension option at the top of the screen.
    Note: If you deselect Create Dimension, you can't use dimensions to readjust the Spacing after you set the pattern.
  10. Right-click and mouse through the check mark to exit, or double-right-click.
  11. Re-adjust the pattern:
    To Do this
    Change the pattern spacing Click the dimension arrow number, then enter the Spacing.
    Change the angle of the pattern Select the reference geometry for Direction 1 or Direction 2, then enter a new angle value.
    Change the number of copies in a pattern direction Click any set of the two small squares in the pattern, select Linear Pattern, then enter a new value for Direction 1 Copies or Direction 2 Copies .
    View all parts of the pattern highlighted Hover over any set of the two small squares in the pattern.
    Drag the dimension number to a more convenient location Click the dimension arrow, then drag it to a new location.

Create a Circular Pattern

Pattern sketch entities around a point.

First, sketch one shape to pattern and one reference point for your pattern Center.
  1. On the Sketching ribbon, in the Pattern tool group, select the Circular Pattern tool.

    The Control Panel appears.
  2. In the modeling window, select the entity you would like to pattern.
    To select multiple entities, use box selection or hold down Ctrl while clicking the entities.
    Tip: You can select entities from multiple sketch shapes.
  3. Select a method to Pattern By:
    1. Number of Copies: Create a pattern based on the number of Copies of the selected entity you would like in the initial pattern before configuring it further. The original entity is included in the Copies value.
    2. Equal Spacing: Create a pattern based on the Total Angle you would like between the first and last entity in the pattern. The Angle between each copy will be calculated automatically so that they are equal.
  4. In the Control Panel, click Center.
    1. In the modeling window, select a point or vertex as the center of the circular pattern.
      The circular pattern will appear with the default Copies value (three figures total).
    2. Optional: To reverse the direction, click .
  5. In the Control Panel, adjust the pattern elements:
    To Do this
    Change the angle between each copy In the Control Panel, change the Angle value (only available if you chose to pattern by Number of Copies).
    Change the number of copies In the Control Panel, enter the number of Copies.
    Change the total angle degree between the first and last shape In the Control Panel, change the Total Angle value (only available if you chose to pattern by Number of Copies).
    Pattern symmetrically about the selected Center Turn on Symmetry.
    Note: Symmetry does not change the Copies value when enabled.
    Add more entities to pattern
    1. In the guide bar or Control Panel, click Entities.
    2. Use box selection or hold Ctrl while clicking entities you would like to add.
  6. Optional: Select the copies to skip.
    1. In the Control Panel, click Copies to Skip.
    2. In the modeling window, choose copies to exclude from the pattern.
      Excluded shapes turn bright yellow.
    3. Right-click once in the modeling window or click Copies to Skip in the guide panel to apply.
      Excluded shapes disappear from the pattern.
    Note: To re-add excluded shapes to the pattern, click Copies to Skip in the Control Panel. Excluded shapes will re-appear. Select each shape you would like to add back to your pattern. Right-click once in the modeling window to apply.
  7. Optional: If you would like your pattern created without dimension specifications., deselect the Create Dimension option at the top of the screen.
    Note: If you deselect Create Dimension, you can't use dimensions to readjust the Angle after you set the pattern.
  8. Right-click and mouse through the check mark to exit, or double-right-click.
  9. Adjust the pattern:
    To Do this
    Change the distance between each copy Click the dimension arrow, then enter the Angle.
    You can also select the center of any shape in your pattern to adjust or rotate them around the pattern center.
    Change number of copies in your pattern Click any set of three small squares in the pattern, select Circular Pattern, then enter a new value for Copies.
    View all parts of the pattern highlighted Hover over any set of the three small squares in the pattern.
    Drag the dimension number to a more convenient location. Click the dimension arrow, then drag it to a new location.