Computes the value of a signal f (t) when second signal, g (t), achieves a certain value.
Assume that you wish to compute the steer angle difference in a suspension when the steering wheel angle is 10°.
The Steer Angle Difference for a suspension is defined as:
Steer Angle Difference = Yaw(Left-wheel) - Yaw(right-wheel)
= Yaw(33,22) - Yaw(55,44)
The steering wheel angle is defined as:
Steering Wheel Angle = AZ(77,66)
Here is a code snippet that will compute the steer angle difference when the steering
wheel angle is
>>> val = ValueAtG (label = "Steer Angle Difference at Zero Steering Wheel Angle",
fsignal = "RTOD* (YAW(33,22) - YAW(55,44))",
gsignal = "RTOD * AZ(77,66)",
gvalue = 10,
delta = 1e-1,
The calculation in ValueAtG is implemented for this example as: