Customization Capabilities

Customization capabilities in MotionSolve allow advanced users to customize the MotionSolve input format for specific domains.

Traditionally, multibody solvers have included user-written subroutines to allow solver customization for specific domains. For instance,a vehicle dynamics expert can create special purpose bushings using the FIESUB user-wrtten subroutine. The image below shows the modeling statements and commands that can be customized by creating user-written subroutines.
Figure 1. Traditional Customization

MotionSolve provides capabilities for expanded customization in addition to user written subroutines. This is accomplished via a user-configurable XML mapping file. This mapping file allows you to define the following custom elements:
  • Custom Functions
  • Custom Statements
  • Custom Messaging
    • Messaging API
    • Messaging Mapping
  • Custom Results Output
    • Results API
  • Custom Translation Rules