Computes the square of the difference between a function’s value at a certain time and a desired value.
Assume that you wish to determine the design of a suspension such that the camber
angle of each wheel is 2° at assembly (T=0). Here is how you would instantiate the
camber response at T=0 for each
>>> # Left wheel (LW) camber response
>>> camberL = ValueAtTime (
label = "LW Camber @ T=0",
measuredValue = “Camber (22,11)*RTOD”,
atTime = 0.0,
delta = 0.1,
>>> camberLDev = DeviationSquared (
label = "LW Camber Deviation @ T=0",
signal = camberL,
targetValue = 2.0
>>> # Right wheel (RW) camber response
>>> camberR = ValueAtTime (
label = "RW Camber @ T=0",
measuredValue = “Camber (223,11)*RTOD”,
atTime = 0.0,
delta = 0.1,
>>> camberLDev = DeviationSquared (
label = "RW Camber Deviation @ T=0",
signal = camberR,
targetValue = 2.0,
The calculations in DeviationSquared are implemented as follows: