Defines a generic response. This is the same as the MSOLVE API Rv element.
Assume that you want to determine the total energy required to drive a motion in a revolute joint during a simulation. Assume that the joint is defined with an I MARKER=22, and J MARKER=33. Here is how you would instantiate a response that performs the desired calculation.
First, we begin by noting that the instantaneous power required to drive the motion in a revolute joint is defined as:
Now we can define the total energy expended in driving the motion as
>>> # Instantaneous torque and angular velocity in the revolute joint
>>> torque = “TZ(22,33,33)”
>>> wz = “WZ(22,33,33)”
>>> Instantaneous Power
>>> iPower = “ABS({torque}*{wz})”.format(torque=torque, wz=wz)
>>> #The total energy expended by the motion
>>> energy = GenericResponse (
label = "Total energy of Motion",
function = iPower
The calculations in GenericResponse are implemented as: