Plot Line Charts Using Results Data

Tutorial Level: Beginner In this tutorial, you will create and edit curves and plots.

Before you begin, copy the file(s) used in this tutorial to your working directory.

Create a Plot with Multiple Curves

  1. From the Start menu, select Altair > 2025 > HyperGraph
  2. From the menu bar, verify that Line Chart is selected as the current chart type
    Tip: To change the chart type, click the Change Type icon () above the plot window and select Line Chart.
  3. Click File > Open to open the Create Curves by File dialog.
  4. From the Y Source tab, use the Choose Data Field file browser to open the file plot.dat.
  5. From the X Source tab, select Time.
  6. From the Y Source tab, select the following:
    1. Type: Force
    2. Request: REQ/3 Curve 3, REQ/5 Curve 5, REQ/7 Curve 7, and REQ/9 Curve9
    3. Components: X
  7. Click Plot and review the plot created.

    Figure 1.
  8. Leave the Create Curves by File dialog open.

Create Multiple Plots

  1. From the Create Curves by File dialog, go to Y Source > Components and select X, Y, and Z.
  2. From the Layout drop-down menu, select One Plot per Request.
  3. Click the Set Page Layout icon, , and select the four window layout.

    Figure 2.
  4. Click Plot.

    Figure 3.
  5. Leave the dialog open.

Edit the Curves

  1. From the Create Curves by File dialog, select the Plot Options tab.
  2. Under Category, click Page Options.
  3. Click the Font field and select Arial, Bold, 16.
  4. Click Header to define the following:
    • Label Scheme: Custom.
    • Header: Deselect the Y Component.
    • Font: Arial, Normal, 12.
    • Alignment: Center.
  5. Click Footer and set the same options as you did for Header.
  6. Click Curve Options to define the following:
    • Select Show Prefix.
    • Label Prefix: Test17.
    • Leave Show Label selected.
    • Label Scheme: Default.
  7. Click Plot to review these curves on page 3.

    Figure 4.
  8. Leave the dialog open.
  9. Return to Curve Options to define the following:
    1. Select Math Expression.
    2. In the Expression for y field, enter the following: saefilt95(u,v,60,5,3)
    Note: The syntax follows that of saefilt95:

    saefilt95(vector1, vector2, scalar1, scalar2, scalar3, scalar4).

  10. Click Plot.