
Display the data contained in the selected TableView cell.

From the Table ribbon, click the Edit tool to display the edit bar at the top of the TableView window.
Figure 1. Edit icon
Click a cell to display the cell and its content in the edit bar, where you can edit the text or Templex expression. Click the Edit tool again to hide the edit bar.
Figure 2. Cell B3 selected, cell highlighted and content displayed in Edit bar

The Edit tool supports multiple lines of data. Press Alt + Enter to add a line break to a single cell.

Note: A cell can evaluate only one Templex expression starting with an equal sign, “=”; multiple lines are not supported even when the other lines contain only strings.

Evaluate Mode

Change cell data to evaluated or unevaluated mode using the View toolbar Evaluate icon, . Templex expressions are visible in the cell when you click the Evaluate icon.

Figure 3. View toolbar, Evaluate icon selected