Browser Filters

There are several tools that you can use to filter your data to display specific entities in the Media Browser.

Enter Search String

Enter your search criteria in the Enter Search String... field, located right below the views buttons in the Media Browser.

This feature is available for all the views except the Media Windows view.

The Media Browser filter is always static. After you enter your string in the search field, the Media Browser will only be updated with your search results when you:
  • Press the Enter key.
  • Click the magnifying glass icon, .
  • Use the Add as Filter option in the Properties Table.

Clear Search String

Multiple methods exist to clear a search string.

The search string field can be cleared in the following ways:
  • Clicking on the "x" on the right side of the search string field.
  • If displayed, click the magnifying glass, . This changes it to an "x". Click the "x" to clear the field.
  • Highlighting the search string and press Delete or Backspace on your keyboard.
Clearing the search string field displays the full browser tree.

Filter Syntax

Property keywords can be inserted into the search string field via the Add as Filter or Add as unevaluated Filter context menu options in the Property Table.

This feature allows you to correctly use double quotes and the escape sequences in the filter syntax.

Use this syntax to filter for a property

Filter for all markers with the color red:

A color palette is displayed when the cursor is after : in the syntax. A color from the palette can be selected and the respective color code is inserted in the search string.

Supported logical operators: AND, OR and NOT

Note: These operators have to be upper case by default; AND will be inserted if multiple keywords are used for filtering.
Filter for all markers with the marker color red (2) and initial frame index 0:
markercolor:2 AND initialframeindex:0

Parentheses can be used to build more complex filter strings

Filter for all curves with the line color either red (2) or blue (4) and initial frame index 0:
(markercolor:2 OR markercolor:4) AND initialframeindex:0

Filtering for names (labels) with blanks requires double quotes.

Filter for all curves which have the complete label as shown below:
name: "C Pillar"

Filtering for names (labels) that contain special characters, such as double quotes and parentheses, requires the escape sequence.

Filter for Marker that has name in double quotes “Head”:

The wildcard "*" for any number of characters and "?" for exactly one character are supported.

If no wildcard is added at the beginning or the end of the filter string, it will be used as if the wildcard "*" is added at both ends. If at one end a wildcard is added, the other end is treated like it is the beginning or end of the filter string.

Filter for all markers that contain the string Pillar in their label:
Filter for all markers that begin their name with Marker:

Add as Filter

To apply a filter on a property and define your search parameters, for example for a marker or measure, right-click on the property in the Properties Table and select Add as filter.

Figure 1.

The filter is added to the search field at the top of the browser. If you add more than one filter type, it will be added to the search field, with the word AND, as shown below. In the example below, Visibility and Marker Color were both added as filters.

Figure 2.

If you want to change the Marker color search criteria, backspace to remove the number from the search field and a context sensitive menu is displayed containing the color palette. Selecting a Marker color automatically adds the number equivalent to the search field.

Figure 3.

Selection Toolbar

The selection toolbar is located right below the Search bar in the Media Browser.

This feature is available for all the views except Media Windows. The following tools can be used to change the display state of various entities in the browser tree.
Select All
Selects all the entities of the same kind from the current session, across multiple pages and windows. For example, if you select a marker in the browser and click the Select all icon, it selects all markers in the current session.
Select None
Clears the selection, meaning no entity shall remain selected in the browser. The Properties Table will be hidden.
Invert Selection
Inverts the selection of entities of same type. For example, if a marker is selected and you click the Invert Selection icon, all other markers except for the one that was selected previously, are selected.