Create a Curve from the Define Curves Dialog
Click Add under the curve list.
A curve labeled "Curve 1" is appended to the list.
Enter a name for the untitled curve in the text field above the list and press
The new name is now displayed in the list and in the legend.
- Select the x vector by clicking the x vector radio button.
Specify the data source for the x vector: File,
Math, or Values.
- If Math is selected as the data source, define the vector using the Expression Builder to create a mathematical expression.
- If File is selected as the data source, a small plot-building form is displayed that allows you to select new data such as subcases and components.
- If Values is selected as the data source, define the vector by entering x, yp, and ym values for phase/magnitude curves or x, yr, and yi values for real/imaginary curves.