poIMeasure GetEntityList

Gets a list of measure entities.


poIMeasure_handle GetEntityList


HyperView Tcl Query


This command retrieves a list of measure entities. The returned list is formatted as follows depending upon the underlying measure type. The size of the returned list depends upon the size of the measure group and the number of entities that contribute to the specific measure type.
Position, Relative Displacement, Distance Between, Incremental Distance, Relative Angle, Angle Between, Incremental Angle
{<model id> <part pool> <part id> <node pool> <node id>}
Minimum Distance
{<model id> <part pool> <part id> <entity pool> <entity id> <model id> <part pool> <part id> <entity pool> <entity id>}
Contains both the “from” and “to” entities as defined by the minimum distance measure.


To get the entity list for a measure with ID 3:

hwi OpenStack
hwi GetSessionHandle sess
sess GetProjectHandle proj
proj GetPageHandle page [proj GetActivePage]
page GetWindowHandle win [page GetActiveWindow]
win GetClientHandle client
client GetMeasureHandle measure 3
measure GetEntityList
hwi CloseStack

