Specifies a volumetric momentum source term to damp surface waves.
AcuSolve Command
WAVE_DAMPING_SOURCE {parameters...}
This command has no qualifier.
- wave_damping_type (enumerated) (=none)
- Type of wave damping to be applied. If none, no damping is
- none
- No damping.
- linear
- Linear damping model is applied.
- wave_damping_distance or dist real (=0)
- Distance from the outlet surface where the damping source term is active.
- wave_damping_coefficient or coef real (=10)
- Coefficient multiplying the damping source term.
This command is used to damp a surface wave in a multiphase flow problem by adding momentum source per unit volume to the momentum equation along the direction of gravity. The momentum source per unit volume term takes the following form:
where C is the wave damping coefficient, is the density, is the velocity component along gravity, x is the local coordinate where the source term is being applied, and are the wave damping distance and the coordinate of the outlet surfaces, respectively.
wave_damping_type = linear
wave_damping_distance = 5
wave_damping_coefficient = 10
Optionally, the outlet surface can be excluded from the damping zone calculation by setting the boolean wave_damping to "off" within the SIMPLE_BOUNDARY_CONDITION command.