Primitive Cylinder


The primitive Cylinder is a predefined geometric shape that is used to create a cylinder.

The primitive Cylinder can be created, modified, removed or used in other geometric operations (for example in a Boolean operation).

Structure of the primitive

The primitive Cylinder is described by :

  • A coordinate system for the creation of points (active coordinate system in the list available on the graphic View))
  • The coordinates of the point center of the circle that is the base of the cylinder, or an existing point
  • The dimensions of the Cylinder primitive (radius and height) defined in the active coordinate system
  • The appearance of the Cylinder primitive (color and visibility)
Dialog box Illustration


The creation of a primitive Cylinder results in the creation of :

  • Geometric entities (point, line, face, volume and object)
  • A Geometric operation Cylinder_1. This geometric operation is a specific entity of the modeler that permits to ensure the cycle of life of the primitive (creation - modification - removal).


The different ways to access the primitive Cylinder are:

  • By menu: Construction > Cylinder > New
  • By icon:

Creation of a cylinder

The creation process of a primitive Cylinder is presented in the table below.

Stage Description
1 Choice of the coordinate system for the primitive creation
2 Opening the dialog box Primitive Cylinder

Choice of the name of the generated Geometric operation

(by default : CYLINDER_1)


Definition of the center point of the basis circle

  • Either by coordinates
  • Or by selection of an existing point
5 Definition of radius
6 Definition of the height

Choice of color visibility / appearance

(by default : visible and turquoise)

8 Validation by clicking on OK

The following entities are created in the tree :

  • 1 object OBJ_CYLINDER_1
  • 1 volume, 4 faces, 6 lines and 4 points
  • 1 geometric operation CYLINDER_1