Material: about


Materials can be:

  • created directly in the Flux project
  • imported from a materials database*

* Information concerning the materials database (database location and managing of materials in database) is presented in chapter Material Manager.

Properties of materials and physical application

Materials possess various physical properties.

They can be characterized by:

  • their magnetic property B(H) and/or B(H,T)
  • their electric property J(E) and/or J(E,T)
  • their magneto-mechanical property B(Stress)
  • their dielectric property D(E)
  • their thermal conductivity k(T)
  • their specific heat ρCP(T)

Physical properties, useful for modeling, depend on the current (active) physical application. The table below summarizes the “dependencies” between physical properties of materials and physical application.

Physical application Physical property
B(H) J(E) B(Stress) D(E) k(T) ρCP(T)
Magneto Static yes yes (2D)
Transient Magnetic yes yes yes (2D)
Steady State AC Magnetic yes yes
Electro Static yes
Electric Conduction yes
Steady State AC Electric yes yes
Steady Thermal yes
Transient Thermal yes yes
Steady State AC Magnetic coupled with Transient Thermal yes yes yes yes
Electric Conduction coupled with Transient Thermal (2D) yes yes yes
Steady State AC Electric coupled with Transient Thermal (2D) - available in Advanced mode only yes yes yes yes
Note: The existence of a property B(H) is compulsory to use the material in a magnetic application, but it is useless for an electric or thermal application. It is the same for the five other properties.


Models provided for physical properties are presented in chapter Materials: principles.

Correspondence of the models

The models, provided with the Material manager, and the models, provided in Flux, are all compatible.

The correspondence between the names of Material manager models and the names of Flux models is presented in List of models for each properties.