Post-processing of local (or spatial) quantities

Definition: reminder

The local (or spatial) quantities are the quantities directly accessible in each point of the computation domain.

It can be a question of the:

  • magnetic field H, magnetic flux density B,… in case of a magnetic application
  • electric potential V, electric field E,… in case of an electric application
  • temperature T,… in case of a thermal application

Uses of local quantities

The local quantities can be:

  • computed and graphically represented in different forms (color shade, arrow, lines,…), on different spatial supports (volume region, cutting plane, 2D or 3D grid,…)
  • stored in the Flux project and exported under various formats (text.txt, Excel.xls)

Graphic representation

The local quantities can be computed and graphically represented in different forms (color shade, lines…), on different spatial supports (volume region, cutting plane, 2D grid, multipoint support…). These various options are presented in the table below.

Support Menu Quantity Visualization
Face / volume / face region / volume region / cutting plane/ 2D grid / 3D grid Isovalues scalar Color shades
Arrows vector


(size / color variable)

Path Spatial curve scalar


quantity on a path

Point Point computation scalar


(size / color variable)



(size / color variable)

Note: * Vector quantities are composed of three components.

Results storage (saving) and exportation

The local quantities can be stored in the Flux project and exported under different formats (excel, text, xml, etc.). These various options are presented in the table below.

Support Menu Quantity Storage / Exportation
Point Point computation scalar / vector

Storage in a tree +

export (Excel, Text, XML)

Path Spatial curve scalar

Storage in a tree +

export (Excel, Text, XML)

2D grid scalar export (Excel, Text, XML)