Flux coupling with System Analysis software

Developments have been made to easy the coupling of Flux with systems analysis software such as Activate and PSIM.

Figure 1. Flux-Activate emotor modeling (in Co-simulation Flux examples)

Therefore, a new macro has been created to export LUT using MAT format files to be used in Activate, PSIM or other system software. The LUT_4SystemAnalysis macro converts your TM project to a MS one driven by ID, IQ and rotor position. This macro is a variation of the CreateLookUpTable ones that allows you to get 3 Look Up Table format to do your efficiency maps or system analysis:

  • φA, φB, φC versus ID, IQ and rotor position
  • φD, φQ versus ID, IQ and rotor position
  • φD, φQ versus ID, IQ with no rotor position dependency

You will obtain a multi-static project on which you can work

Figure 2. MS Model driven by ID, IQ and rotor position, result of the macro

This macro will also automatically run Compose in batch mode to create the mat files that will help you make the Flux-Activate/PSIM/Other coupling. In this matfile, you will find the following datas:

ID RMS φA Dynamic inductances ,
IQ RMS φB Crossed dynamic inductances ,
Rotor position φC Static inductances ,
Rotor control angle φD φD vs rotor angle L_end_winding
Torque φQ φQ vs rotor angle
Polepair number p Motor viscous damping factor b Moment of inertia J Phase resistance Rphase

All those data will also be stored in an OML file that you can run in Compose to plot your look up tables, i.e., all the macro outputs in the DQ area.

Figure 3. Compose file to plot look up tables

Figure 4. Look Up Tables obtained in Compose from macro outputs

Note: If you want some advice or further detail on the system modeling of your e-machines with its converters and power electronic, please contact Activate or PSIM team/support.