Flux e-Machine Toolbox: New "Fast" command modes
A new solving workflow for the MTPA and MTPV command modes has been implemented.
- MTPA Fast
- MTPV Fast
- The parametric solving process is done only on the parameters Jd and Jq.
- It is not possible to modify the Number of Computations for Speed, nor the Number of Computations per Electrical Period. These two fields are disabled (grayed out).
With this new fast solving workflow (MTPA Fast and MTPV Fast command modes), the computation is faster than with the standard solving workflow (MTPA and MTPV command modes).
Results - Efficiency Maps
With these two new command modes MTPA Fast and MTPV Fast, the efficiency maps are computed and displayed (in the same way as with the two command modes MTPA and MTPV) except for two maps: the Iron losses map and the Eddy current losses map. In fact, with this new fast solving workflow, the Iron losses and the Eddy current losses are not computed. The two corresponding maps are therefore not available.
Test Export
- For the html and pdf exports, the two corresponding maps appear black.
- For the txt export, the two corresponding files are not generated.
Post-process with a new command
- Max. Phase Current, rms (A)
- Max. Phase Voltage, rms (V)
- Command Mode MTPA/MTPV or MTPA Fast/MTPV Fast
- If you use the new fast solving workflow, it is possible to switch:
- from MTPA Fast to MTPV Fast
- from MTPV Fast to MTPA Fast
- If you use the standard solving workflow, it is possible to switch:
- from MTPA to MTPV
- from MTPV to MTPA
Command Line
- For the MTPA Fast command mode:
- For the MTPV Fast command mode: