

Export Fields and derivate from Face region (to create spatial quantities and export file (DEX format) at each step of the solving scenario.

Note: For more details about this macro, consult this additional document


  • Select a solving scenario
  • Select one face region
  • Define a quantity to export (B for instance)
  • Define a generic name for spatial quantity and for *.DEX files


  • Create as many spatial quantity as steps in the solving scenario, with name (GenericName_1, GenericName_2, …) (GenericName_DER_1, GenericName_DER_2, …)
  • Create as many DEX files as steps in the solving scenario, with name (GenericName_1.DEX, GenericName_2.DEX, …, GenericName_DER_1, GenericName_DER_2, …)