Fuel Source Component

Fuel Source Element General Description and Quick Guide

The fuel source element in Flow Simulator is intended to be used in combustion modelling by supplying fuel into the system.

Fuel Source element is available under Combustion Modeling section of element library.

For the Fuel Source element, exit area, static pressure, fuel temperature, fuel flow and reactant material are mandatory inputs.

Fuel Source Element Input Variables

Fuel Source Element inputs.

Fuel Source Element Input Variables
Index UI Name (. flo label) Description
1 Type (CPTYPE) Type of component.
2 Subtype (SUB_TYPE) Component sub-type.

Identification number of the boundary plenum chamber associated with the fuel source component.

Note: This is set automatically by GUI.


Identification number of the fixed flow element associated with the fuel source component.

Note: This is set automatically by GUI.

5 Number of Fuels (NUM_FUELS) Number of different fuel species supplied by the component.
6 Fuel Fraction Type (FRACT_FLAG)

Type of fraction input for all the ‘FUELS’ species supplied in the ‘MASS or MOLES FRACTIONS’ array.

0 = Mass fraction

1 = Mole fraction

7 Fuel Flow (FLOW) Total element fixed flow rate for all fuel species.
8 Fuel Flow Units (FFUNITS)

Fuel flow units determine how FLOW variable is interpreted.

0: Flow is input as lbm/s (PPS)

1: Flow is input as lbm/hr (PPH)

2: Flow is input as %WREF

(Default value = 0)

9 Fuel Temperature (TFUEL) Fuel bulk supply temperature.
19 Fuel Types (FUELS) Fuel species supplied by the component.
20 Fuel Fractions (MASS or MOLES FRACTIONS) Fuel fractions (Mass or Mole depending on FRACT_FLAG) for each fuel species supplied by the component in the FUELS array.

Fuel Source Element Output Variables

Outputs in file with “res” extension. Output units controlled by user setting in “Output Control” panel.

Name Description Units ENG, SI



Flow rates in %W2 and [PPS]or [kg/s] (None) & (PPS or kg/s)

Associated chamber total temperature set by the Fuel Source component. This result is visible in the chamber results section as well as the inlet TTC for the associated fixed flow element.

Relative for plenum (Always Boundary Plenum CH for fuel sources)

deg F, K
FLOW PPS Flow rate through the associated fixed flow element. Total flow is for the mixture defined in the Fuel Source Component and information about the amounts of each species is only visible in downstream Combustion elements. lbm/s, kg/s
REACTANT(s) Names for the single or multiple fuel species present in downstream combustion element(s) that originated from the Fuel Source component. (N/A)
PRODUCTS Names for the chemical species remaining after combustion of fuel and air in downstream combustion elements(s). (N/A)
F_A_RATIO CEA reported fuel air ratio from downstream combustion element(s). (unitless)