Creating the Model
Create the model in CADFEKO. Define any ports and sources required for the model. Specify the operating frequency or frequency range for the model.
- Set the model unit to millimetres.
Define the following variables:
- epsr = 2.2 (The relative permittivity of the substrate.)
- freq = 3e9 (The centre frequency.)
- lambda = c0/freq*1e3 (The wavelength in free space.)
- lengthX = 31.1807 (The width of the patch in the X direction.)
- lengthY = 46.7480 (The depth of the patch in the Y direction.)
- offsetX = 8.9 (The location of the feed.)
- substrateLengthX = 50 (The width of the substrate in the X direction.)
- substrateLengthY = 80 (The depth of the substrate in the Y direction.)
- substrateHeight = 2.87 (The height of the substrate.)
- fmin = 2.7e9 (The minimum frequency.)
- fmax = 3.3e9 (The maximum frequency.)
- feedlineWidth = 4.5 (The feedline width for the microstrip model feed.)
Create the patch.
Create the substrate.
Create the feed pin as a wire between the patch and the bottom of the
substrate. Position the feed pin with an offset from the edge of the patch.
- Add a wire port to the start of the line.
- Add a voltage source to the port. (1 V, 0°, 50 Ω).
- Union all parts and rename the union to antenna.
- Create a new dielectric medium with label substrate and with relative permittivity set to epsr.
- Set the region of the cuboid to substrate.
- Set the face of the patch and the bottom face of the substrate to PEC.
- Set a continuous frequency range from fmin to fmax.
Specify the symmetry about the Y=0
plane as Magnetic symmetry.
Tip: Exploit model symmetries (if it exists) in a large or complex model to reduce computational costs.