U Name Angle

Check the angle of each reference name silkscreen on design.

The U Name Angle dialog contains the following sections:
  • Option
    • Allow for Major Angle’s Counting: Count the number of major angles for the top and bottom placed components. For example, 1 means that PollEx DFM counts the most used angle, and components that have a different angle will result in a fail. 2 means that PollEx DFM counts the first and second most used angle, and other components with a different angle will result in a fail.
      Figure 1.

  • Reference Name Angle Checking
    • All Components
      • Allowable Angle Ranges: For all components, specify the allowable range angles like 0~90 or allowable multi-angle 0 90. Use the floating value input tool.
    • For Selected Component Group
      • Item: Specify the item name.
      • Component Group: Select the target component group from the list.
      • Allowable Angle Ranges: Select the target component group allowable angle value or ranges using the floating value input tool.
      • Remainder
        • Allowable Angle Ranges: For undefined components in the table, set the allowable angle ranges using the floating value input tool.