
1. Type of frame

The tools available in the housing tab allow defining the frame topology.

Three choices are available to define this topology: None, Circular or Square.

By default, housing type is set to “None”. There is no frame.

Important note: When “None” is selected, accesses to External cooling and Internal cooling environments are locked.

1 Default setting : Housing type is « None » The machine has no frame.
2 Button to select a Circular shape frame.
3 Button to select a Square shape frame.
4 Icon to export frame data into *.txt or *.xlsx files.
Frame type available

Circular shape frame design area
1 Radial view of the motor, including the housing topology and dimensions.
2 Axial view of the motor, including the housing topology and dimensions.
3 The section frame is selected to define the type and dimensions of the frame.
4 Selected button to set a circular shape frame.
5 User input parameters to define the frame dimensions. For more information see below.
6 Button to restore default input values.
7 Button to apply inputs. Pressing the enter key twice applies inputs too.
8 Icon to export frame data into *.txt or *.xlsx files.

1 Thickness of the frame. Allowed range of values ]0, 50] mm.
2 Connection side (C.S.) is identified by yellow lightning.
3 Connection side extension. Allowed range of values [0, 20000] mm.
4 Connection side – End-plate thickness. Allowed range of values [0, 50] mm.
5 Opposite connection side extension. Allowed range of values [0, 20000] mm.
6 Opposite connection side – End-plate thickness. Allowed range of values [0, 50] mm.
User input parameters to define frame dimensions in the axial view

2. Combination between lamination outer shape and frame types

Frame type
None Circular Square


outer shape

Square Not possible

Circular shape lamination & Circular shape frame Circular shape lamination & Square shape frame Square shape lamination & Square shape frame