
How to define a new motor ?

The creation of a new motor is possible only in a user’s catalog. If you select a Reference catalog, the icon "New" is disabled.

How to create a new motor from Motor Catalog?
1 Selection of a user’s catalog in which the new motor will be stored. The selected catalog must correspond to the type of the motor to be created.
2 Click on the button “New”.
3 A dialog box is automatically opened to allow the process of creation.
4 A name must be given to the new motor. It will be stored in the selected catalog. Then, Motor Factory environment is opened to design the new motor.
Note: If the new motor is not saved in Motor Factory, its name doesn’t appear in Motor Catalog.
5 Cancel the creation of a new motor from Motor Catalog.
6 Button to apply inputs and create the new motor. Then, Motor Factory is launched which allows to read and/or the modification of the characteristics of the motor.
Note: The new motor “NewMotor1” previously created will be stored in the corresponding catalog. See next illustration.

The new motor “NewMotor1” (1) previously created is stored in the corresponding catalog (2).

Its general data are displayed in the corresponding tab (3). Performance will be added only when the datasheet test will be performed (3).