Indoor Penetration Models

Three models for indoor penetration are presented.

Figure 1. Settings for indoor penetration - the Parameter Indoor Prediction dialog.

All indoor penetration models utilize an algorithm that uses the values of the predicted pixels around the building and considers the penetration (transmission) loss defined for  the outer building walls.
Constant level model
Predicts a homogeneous indoor level by subtracting the defined transmission loss from the average signal level at the outer walls.
Figure 2. The constant level model.

Exponential decrease model
Considers the defined transmission loss of the outer walls and additionally an exponential decrease towards the interior, with an attenuation rate depending on the building depth (around 0.1 dB/m).
Figure 3. The exponential decrease model.

Variable decrease model
Allows to consider a definable attenuation rate (default value 0.6 dB/m) in addition to the transmission loss for the outer walls. In this model the user can modify the exponential decrease of the signal level inside the buildings. The following sample shows the variable decrease model with an indoor attenuation rate of 0.6 dB/m.
Figure 4. The variable decrease model.