Sites / Cables /Trajectories / Points Tab
Display Options for Sites, Feeder Cables, Trajectories and Points
On this dialog, you can specify how sites, feeder cables, trajectories and points are displayed in 2D result views of ProMan.

- Sites
- The Color of the site symbol and Text size of the site name can be specified here. It is also possible to hide the site name by unselecting the Show Name check box.
- Display of Sites
- Site symbols can either be hidden, displayed with or without a border line.
- Feeder Cables
- The Text size of feeder cable name can be specified here. It is also possible to hide the name of the feeder cable by unchecking the Show Name check box. The color of the cables can be defined for each cable individually.
- Display of Feeder Cables
- Feeder cables can either be hidden, displayed with or without a border.
- Trajectories
- The names of trajectories can be displayed by selecting the Show Name check box. Unselect the check box to hide the point name. The size of the text can be modified by changing the Text size value.
- Points
- The names of points can be displayed by selecting the Show Name check box. Unselect the check box to hide the point name. The size of the text can be modified by changing the Text size value.