Use the Orient tool to set the orientation
direction for an extruded profile and correctly position the model along the
Orienting the Model
Use the Orient tool to set the orientation direction
for an extruded profile.
Inspire Extrude follows the convention that the extruded profile comes
out in the positive Z direction. Sometimes the imported CAD model may be oriented in
the opposite direction. In order to correct this and reorient the model to meet the
solver convention, use the Orient tool.
Note: You can use the Re Orient tool to
align the model to its original position in order to import optimized data back
into CAD.
From the Extrusion ribbon, click the Orient tool.
The orient context is enabled. Select the die surface to
orient the model.
Positioning the Model
Use the Orient tool to correctly position the model
along the Z-axis.
The model can be repositioned for internal automation of modeling steps. Typically
this is the first step performed after importing the CAD model.
Even if model is oriented correctly, sometimes the model automation requires correct
positioning along the Z axis.
Any positioning action translates the die to meet these conditions.
From the Extrusion ribbon, click Orient tool.
The orient context is enabled. Select the die exit surface
to position the model.