Get started with Inspire Extrude Metal.
Setup and perform a Tool Deflection analysis.
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Inspire Extrude Metal offers an analysis tool for virtual testing, validation, correction and optimization of extrusion die designs.
Find answers to Frequently Asked Questions from our users.
Setup and perform an Extrusion analysis.
A quick overview of the tool deflection analysis procedure.
Use the Orient tool to set the orientation direction for an extruded profile and correctly position the model along the Z-axis.
Use the Simplify tool to plug holes and pockets and to remove imprints, rounds, fillets, holes, and pockets.
Organizing tool components is an important step and can be performed anytime while setting up the model, but would ideally be organized immediately after cleaning the geometry.
Use the Load Faces tool to add or remove load faces from the existing set of load surfaces.
Set boundary conditions for Tool Deflection analysis, which requires loads and constraints.
This feature enables you to create gap contacts between two tool parts. This tool automatically detects possible contacts in your model for the displayed parts.
Use the Materials tool to select materials for the analysis.
Use the Analysis tool to submit the job for analysis, inspect the job status, perform post-processing and review job history.
Create a Microsoft PowerPoint report for Tool Deflection Analysis.
Setup and perform a quenching analysis.
Find information about material data blocks in GRF files.
Start using Inspire Extrude with our interactive tutorials.
Get started with Inspire Extrude Polymer.
Get started with Inspire Friction Stir Welding.
Get started with Inspire Resin Transfer Molding.
Create 2D sketches, surfaces, and solids.