Run Status

View the status of the current run, as well runs for the current model that have not yet been viewed. To see all past runs, you need to view the run history.

  1. Hover over the Analyze icon, then select the Run Status tool.

    Tip: To find and open a tool, press Ctrl+F. For more information, see Find and Search for Tools.
    The run status window is displayed.

  2. When the run is complete, review its status.
    Status Description Note
    The run completed successfully. This is also indicated by a green flag above the Analyze icon. You can click the green flag to display the results.
    The run was incomplete.

    If running an analysis, the run was incomplete. Some but not all of the result types may be available. You should run a new analysis to generate complete results.

    If running an optimization, the run was completed but with warnings or violations. Double-click the name of the run in the Run Status dialog, and then click the Design Violations button in the Shape Explorer for more information.

    The run failed and no meaningful results are available. This is also indicated by a red flag above the Analyze icon.
  3. View one or more runs.
    • To view a run, double-click the row.
    • To view multiple runs, hold down Ctrl or Shift while clicking the rows, and then click the View Now button.
      Note: If several runs are associated with the same part, the result from the most recently completed run for that part will be activated in the modeling window.
  • To open the directory where a run is stored, right-click the run name and select Open Run Folder.
  • To view deleted or previously viewed runs, click the History button.
  • To delete a run, select the run and press Delete. You can also delete runs using the right-click context menu in the Analysis Explorer and the Model Browser.